Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Worn Muscles

Geez, being on vacation, I am nerve wracked over whether or not I'm losing weight. I still have my goal of losing 6 lbs over the holidays. I have no idea whether I'm going to make it. I think I have another 4 lbs to go. This makes it tougher vacationing, because all you do is eat out.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Going on vacation

I am going on Vacation for one week. I am very nervous about how my weight will be after the week. It will be hard mainly because we'll be eating out every meal. We didn't get any hotels with kitchens, so we won't be able to monitor our eating habits.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This year

This year has not been a great year for weight loss. Unfortunately I lose about 15 lbs but then during August/September put it back on when family visited and I got stressed. So I decided to turn to weight watchers.

Yep I decided el-cheap that I am to pay for help. I need to be held accountable. Which is funny because I find being $ accountable easy. I have no trouble accounting for every penny invested or spent.

But food? Well that's a different story. So in mid-October I signed up for weight watchers and have thus lost 12.8 lbs. My goal is to lose 10% of my body weight by 1/8/08. I think it's possible. I'm almost there.

I made it a stretch goal because holidays are a tough time to lose weight. But this path I've taken is different and new. It's no longer a diet. I don't diet, I am changing my lifestyle. I may have to live forever on this flex plan constantly counting, measuring, and evaluating what I eat.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Picky Eating

Okay so yesterday I read a website and article about picky eating. I think I fit somewhat into that category of picky eating. I have a few quirks, but I always thought they were just that. Quirks. Here's the list of things I don't do with food.

1. No ice in drinks, also I prefer to always drink with a straw
2. No food touching
3. No pickles, don't like relish very much either
4. No tomatoes
5. Will only eat steak mostly cooked
6. Like bacon but only crispy and burnt, won't eat it under cooked
7. Will not eat apples,pears a lot of fruits with the skin on
8. Do no eat oranges nor other citrus fruit
9. I don't like mixing food types (Indian with chineses, japanese, etc)
10. I don't like spicy foods
11. No crust on bread
12. Do not eat olives
13. Do not like to eat corn on the cob
14. If I don't like what I see on a plate I will slide it off onto DH's plate or not eat it

I guess I'm picky, to be honest I don't think it's completely out of the norm. Are you a picky eater? In a canadian health article they say this is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. Wonder if it's true?

Friday, February 23, 2007

2/23 update

I haven't worked out in 2 days. I am feeling terribly sick, actually I stayed at home today because of it. I'm hoping to kick the cold over the weekend.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

2/21 update

I didn't work out yesterday because I was feeling sick. Actually I'm sitll feeling sick today but I worked out for 20 minutes just to reach my goal of 3x a week. This is hard because I have a terrible cough. Anyway though I'm tired and I hope to keep up the minute weight loss.

Monday, February 19, 2007

2/19 Update

So I did not work out on 2/15, I was just tired. However I did work out Friday, Sat, Sunday, and Today for at least 30 minutes each day. That made me feel great. However I had a super indulgent eating weekend.

For our valentine's day dinner we ate fondue at home. Also I drank two glasses of wine, which definitely adds to the calories. I didn't lose any weight this week, but I feel pretty good that the working out is continuing and I limited my eating out to twice this weekend. We ate out papa john's pizza on Friday and today we had dim sum.

Overall a pretty good week in lifestyle changes and definitely I'm on the road to becoming healthier. I think a new goal this week is to try and track all the calories I'm eating everyday.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2/14 Update...Happy V-Day

Today is V-day and I started off the day by working out for 30 minutes. I weighed myself this morning and found that I had "gained" all the weight I had lost last week. It was very disappointing. However I am in this for the long haul. I am not dieting, but I am changing my lifestyle by exercising and eating healthier. I know this is a better thing for me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2/13 update

Today I worked out for 45 minutes. It's really hard to get motivated to work out everyday. Mainly because I have had to work out in the evening after dinner. Personally I find it easier to work out first thing in the morning and get my day started. This really makes me feel like the day has barely started and yet I've accomplished so much. Hopefully I can work out every morning, but my day starts on Tuesdays and Thursday so early at 7 am it's tough.

2/12 Update

I worked out for a quick 30 minutes today. I hope to work out tomorrow for longer.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

2/11 Update

Today I worked out for 35 minutes. I also weighed in this morning for 173.2 lbs. Woohoo, I lose 0.8 lbs. I also worked out everyday the whole week. Somedays it was only 20 minutes, other days 45 minutes. I am trying my best keep up with this new lifestyle.

It is a lifestyle change and not a "diet". I am trying to become a healthier person. This is really difficult because I have to work on eating less. I am eating veggies everyday but I should eat more and eat smaller portions of food.

The focus of this week is eating smaller portions and maybe I should completely avoid dessert? I don't know, baby steps. I want to live normally but healthier.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

2/10 Update

Woohoo! I worked out everyday this week at least 20 minutes but today again for 45 minutes. It's pretty motivating just to be eating healthier and working out everyday. I don't know if I can keep up working out everyday but I can try.

Friday, February 9, 2007

2/8 and 2/9 Update

So I worked out yesterday for 45 minutes and today for only 20 minutes. So far I've exceeded my goal of working out 3x a week for 20 minutes. Why'd I set only 20 minutes and work out more?

Because of days like today. Where I really didn't want to work out, but I told myself it's only 20 minutes. If I feel like doing more I do it. If not I've decided not to beat myself up. Also I have the option of doing more later.

Everytime I've lost weight before I've gone on a massive working out 1 hour a day plan. Sure it's great and makes losing weight fast and easy. But for me unstickable. I can't keep that up forever. This time I'm not trying to work out a lot. Instead I'm coaxing myself to do a lifestyle change and incorporate any sort of daily exercise into my lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

2/6 and 2/7 Update

Okay I worked out in the evening yesterday for 30 minutes and 45 minutes this morning. So far I'm starting to get into a rhythm of working out. I don't know if I am going to lose weight immediately, but I'm hoping to make this a permenant lifestyle change.

Can I do more? I probably should start tracking my eatingbut I'm not sure.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

2/5 Update

Okay I worked out yesterday morning. And I ate pretty healthy all day though I did have a bag of cheetos. Problem is Monday's we both have class until 9pm for DH and 9:30 for me. So we ate dinner at 10:30 by the time I got home and we made something. We've got a more regular meal time tonight.

Goal is working out today 30 minutes.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Okay I need a few goals to settle me and I'm starting small because my accountability is to myself. And I need baby steps.

1. Work out 3x a week for 20 minutes on the elliptical machine we have
2. Eat out only 2x a week
3. Eat a balanced meal of veggies, carbs, and protein
4. Drink more water
5. Lose or maintain weight every week
6. Lose 20 lbs by June 1st. That is about 0.5 lb/week

I am starting really small because I want to stick with this lifestyle change I am incorporating.

First post

Okay, I have been blogging for awhile about my financial fitness. Now its time for me to become honest about my physical well-being and become physically fit. I am physically unfit and I hate it. I am a very yo-yo eater/dieter. I have been since meeting my husband.

Before DH, I never weighed more than 120 lbs because I am a terrible cook, never ate, went out a lot, and enjoyed life. Since meeting DH I have gained a tremendous amount of weight and pursued a less active lifestyle. This has to change. I want to have kids but I feel I am unable to even start considering trying without losing some weight.

Now the hard part is being real. I am 5'4" and I am about to weigh in at 174 lbs. Yikes. Until our move to NE I've been between 140-150 lbs. Then I gained those 25 lbs during a very stressful 2005 year. Now it's time to take it off and more. Last year I lost those 25 lbs and gained it all back in the last three months of 2006.

So here I am about to blog about it. This is it. I am putting probably my worse self foward.