Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2/14 Update...Happy V-Day

Today is V-day and I started off the day by working out for 30 minutes. I weighed myself this morning and found that I had "gained" all the weight I had lost last week. It was very disappointing. However I am in this for the long haul. I am not dieting, but I am changing my lifestyle by exercising and eating healthier. I know this is a better thing for me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2/13 update

Today I worked out for 45 minutes. It's really hard to get motivated to work out everyday. Mainly because I have had to work out in the evening after dinner. Personally I find it easier to work out first thing in the morning and get my day started. This really makes me feel like the day has barely started and yet I've accomplished so much. Hopefully I can work out every morning, but my day starts on Tuesdays and Thursday so early at 7 am it's tough.

2/12 Update

I worked out for a quick 30 minutes today. I hope to work out tomorrow for longer.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

2/11 Update

Today I worked out for 35 minutes. I also weighed in this morning for 173.2 lbs. Woohoo, I lose 0.8 lbs. I also worked out everyday the whole week. Somedays it was only 20 minutes, other days 45 minutes. I am trying my best keep up with this new lifestyle.

It is a lifestyle change and not a "diet". I am trying to become a healthier person. This is really difficult because I have to work on eating less. I am eating veggies everyday but I should eat more and eat smaller portions of food.

The focus of this week is eating smaller portions and maybe I should completely avoid dessert? I don't know, baby steps. I want to live normally but healthier.