Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This year

This year has not been a great year for weight loss. Unfortunately I lose about 15 lbs but then during August/September put it back on when family visited and I got stressed. So I decided to turn to weight watchers.

Yep I decided el-cheap that I am to pay for help. I need to be held accountable. Which is funny because I find being $ accountable easy. I have no trouble accounting for every penny invested or spent.

But food? Well that's a different story. So in mid-October I signed up for weight watchers and have thus lost 12.8 lbs. My goal is to lose 10% of my body weight by 1/8/08. I think it's possible. I'm almost there.

I made it a stretch goal because holidays are a tough time to lose weight. But this path I've taken is different and new. It's no longer a diet. I don't diet, I am changing my lifestyle. I may have to live forever on this flex plan constantly counting, measuring, and evaluating what I eat.

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